
SDSU Extension
Dairy Cattle Reproductive Management Course

SDSU Extension is exploring a Dairy Cattle Reproductive Management Course designed for Spanish and/or English speaking employees.  Technicians are frequently taught the skill of breeding, but not the factors that influence reproductive success.  To help determine the need and development of the course, we are requesting completion of the following survey. 

GOAL OF THE COURSE:  Artificial insemination is the number one technology implemented on dairies to create pregnancies within a herd.  Technicians know how to breed but rarely develop a comprehensive understanding of the estrous cycle and how multiple factors drive first service conception rates.    
Therefore, the intention of the course is not to teach “how to AI”, rather, to work with on-farm dairy personnel to develop a stronger reproductive management skill set by having classroom and hands-on instruction in areas that influence reproductive success (i.e. estrous cycle, anatomy, body condition scoring).   

Who Should Attend?
·  Individuals working with dairy cows who want to increase their skills and knowledge on reproductive 
·  Individuals who desire to increase their skills to bring back to the farm or farm employer. 
Your position at the dairy:
The state the dairy is located:
Number of animals at the dairy?
After reading the purpose and goal of the Dairy Reproductive Management Course, would this be of interest to your dairy and employees?
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